Assembly Point / Incident Reporting
In the event of an evacuation; all operatives are to assemble at the site muster point near to the substation building but as not to cause an obstruction to any emergency vehicles. If the site is evacuated a head count will be carried out at the muster point by the site supervisor who will also contact the OC.
Prompt reporting of any accident, incident, injury or significant near miss is paramount and these should be reported to the site manager and OC at the safest and earliest opportunity. Should there be an injury, if need be and the injury is serious, raise the alarm and call for help immediately if safe to do so. The nearest hospital to Knockranny windfarm is the University Hospital Galway.

First aid provision is located in the substation and at the site compound offices. If ANY first aid equipment is used, the Operational Controller and MCE must be informed
There are good welfare facilities at the substation comprising of toilet, drying room, etc.. The water on the site is not suitable for drinking and a fresh supply of bottled drinking water should remain readily available.