Emergency Procedures
MCE and all other contractors must ensure that for the activities which they are undertaking on–site, detailed and suitable emergency plans and procedures have been developed, resources as necessary are put in place and that these have been communicated and understood by the workforce and practiced appropriately. The emergency procedures are to be discussed by all contractors prior to commencing work on site.
The site emergency plan and catastrophic event flowchart is available to all persons on site and gives details of local emergency services and a map of the site. (available within the MCE H&S file).
In the event of a fire in your work area, which cannot be extinguished safely with the local extinguishers, immediately raise the alarm verbally and leave the work area; retreat to a safe place at a safe distance and inform both the OC and Emergency Services on 999 or 112 in a calm manner giving as many accurate details as possible.
There must be no smoking in the substation building. Smoking is permitted in open areas when not undertaking any work activity and it must be ensured that cigarettes are completely extinguished.