
This induction should take about 20 minutes to complete and there will be a site specific Induction Test at the end which must be successfully completed.

This induction must be completed prior to visiting the Knockranny wind farm and it aims to highlight site safety rules and specific site hazards. When accessing the site everyone must comply with these rules and continue to re-assess their safety and the safety of others at all times.

If there are any doubts about safe access or working arrangements then the situation should be discussed and reviewed with the MCE site manager for the site (Gearoid White – 086 0211525, Sean O’Driscoll – 0868528329)

Operational Controller Contact Details: +353 (0)86 8032620 or g.white@turnkeydev.com , sean.odriscoll@turnkeydev.com

A dynamic risk assessment must be undertaken before entering site – if in doubt, do not enter and seek advice from the Operational Controller. All appropriate safety documentation (Insurances, Safety Statement, Training Details, Risk Assessment, Method Statement, etc.) applicable for works to be undertaken must be provided to the MCE representative and MCE Operational Controller before attending site.

Copies of all personnel appropriate competency certificates must be provided before attending site. There must be at least one trained first aider for each work party attending the site.