Site Rules

1. Personnel Identification and Safety Induction

All personnel wishing to work on the site must receive a MCE site induction, confirming on completion that they understand and will fully comply with information received and with the site rules provided.


Before entering and when leaving site. please text the following details:

  • Name
  • Company
  • Start time
  • Finish Time

to (086) 8032620

Only authorised persons are permitted entry into the site and substation area especially high voltage restricted areas.

Absolutely NO type of ground penetration works are permitted by anyone until the site supervisor is notified and written approval has been obtained.

2. Personal Protective Equipment

It is a mandatory requirement for all personnel attending the site and their visitors, including vendors and truck drivers, to wear the following protective equipment at all times on site as a minimum:

  • Appropriate Sturdy/Safety Boots,
  • Hi-Visibility Vests,
  • Safety Helmets as applicable,

For certain specific tasks personnel will also be required to don additional and specific PPE such as eye/hearing protection, personal fall arrest equipment and respiratory protection, as detailed in the appropriate task specific risk assessment and method statement.

3. SMOKING is not permitted

Smoking is not permitted in any internal areas at the wind farm. Smoking is only permissible in external areas but is not allowed whilst working. In addition all cigarettes and matches must be properly quenched to eliminate potential bush fires and the items must be placed in a bin or removed from Site.

4. Clean-up

A daily clean-up of all areas is required to prevent the accumulation of combustible materials such as paper, wood, etc. Good housekeeping is expected at all times to eliminate other potential hazards such as slips and trips and also vermin to the site.

5. Compressed Gas

Secure all compressed gas cylinders in an upright position so they cannot be knocked over. Do not drop from a height. Compressed gas cylinders should be stored in a safe manner when not in use.

6. Motor Vehicles

Speed limits within the site and on site access roads are restricted to 25kph and all moving vehicles should engage their hazard warning lights or flashing beacons and priority must be given at all times to other traffic. Vehicles are to drive in the centre of the road and when passing, only use designated passing bays. All persons within moving vehicles must wear seat belts and vehicles must only be driven by a competent qualified person and not parked so as to cause an obstruction for any emergency vehicles. When unattended, vehicles should be locked and valuables removed from sight. MCE cannot accept any liability for loss or damage to vehicles or contents.

7. Alcohol and Drugs

The consumption of alcohol or drugs is strictly prohibited on the Site. Any person found or believed to be under the influence of either substance will be escorted from the site and may be subject to disciplinary action.

8. Eating and Drinking on Site

Food or packaging waste must not be discarded on the site, but taken away and correctly disposed of.

9. Transport of Fuels or Solvents

The transport of any liquid type fuel or solvent onto site for any work purposes must be in an appropriate type and fully labelled container with appropriate MSDS data sheets and COSHH Risk Assessment must be available on site.

10. Contractors Safety Management

Any contractor intending to work on the site must have been assessed and approved by MCE in advance of their visit. Contractors shall manage and appropriately supervise the activities of their own employees or sub contractors.

11. Contractors Responsibilities

Each new contractor employee arriving at the work site shall be clearly instructed on the contents of the contractor’s safety documentation and safe systems of work for the works and their role in emergencies and must sign onto these documents as agreed and understood. Before being allowed to commence work, contractor’s employees shall be made fully aware of the potential hazards of their particular working environment. Hazardous areas must be explained and identified to the employees by their supervisor. If in doubt DO NOT commence work and seek assistance.

12. MCE Roles & Responsibilities

MCE Management will monitor and enforce these rules and regulations. If necessary, MCE Management may stop or suspend all or part of a contractors/ workforces operation when safety hazards or poor work practices appear to exist. MCE will carry out appropriate Health, Safety, Quality and Environmental audits and/or inspections of the site, activities underway and those Companies/personnel operating on it.

13. Contractor’s/OEM Supervision will be held responsible for:

Maintaining safe working conditions with their work crews. Communicating safety issues or concerns to the workforce and implementing appropriate safety measures and reporting them to MCE.

14. Employees Responsibilities

Every employee is responsible for their own safety and the safety of other personnel on the project as well as ensuring the environment remains unaffected by their activities. Every employee is responsible for ensuring work is carried out in a safe manner. It is therefore necessary for each employee to know and adhere to all applicable regulations which apply to them and to identify and report hazards. It is also important that accidents, incidents and near misses are reported to avoid re-occurrence. These must be promptly reported to the MCE site manager.

The responsibilities of the employees shall include but not be limited to the following:

  • Carry out their duties in a safe manner with due regard to safety
  • Work in compliance with statutory regulations and the instructions of their supervisors and comply with safe working practices and procedures at all times
  • Maintain tools and equipment in good work order and report defects to supervision
  • Obtain necessary work permits and abide by their respective requirements
  • Report all unsafe acts or conditions including near misses without delay to supervision
  • Wear personal protective equipment and clothing correctly as and when required and maintain these in good order
  • Report any accident, incident or near miss to their immediate supervisor without delay

15. Site Wind Speed Limits

In the event that winds are above 30 m/s, do not enter site. If already onsite, please make work area safe and leave the area if safe to.

Work Wind Speed
Accessing the Site 30m/s (set by MCE)