Preliminary Procedure Before Entering Site
There is a MCE Health and Safety file readily available for all parties to refer to; retained in the substation with appropriate general safety information and all persons should familiarise themselves with this.
Should any further specific information be required, the MCE site supervisor has access to all drawings and information for the site including its infrastructure and this can be made available by notifying them.
Before entering and when leaving site. please text the following details:
- Name
- Company
- Star time
- Finish Time
to (086) 8032620
Further Details Later in the Induction.
All required security or alarm codes will be provided by the MCE Site Supervisor as necessary.
Phone Signal
Phone signal on site can be intermittent and weak and this should be closely monitored by all personnel at all times.
Additional Activities
Turf cutting and tree removal may be carried out on Stacks Mountain Windfarm. Additional hazards come from these activities hence extra vigilance is required.